At the end of 2008 came into my hands a a fun challenge for an illustrator: to develop completely a children's board game, which was able to raise awareness on the use rational water.
A tal efecto, se me encomendó la tarea de crear la imagen y el desarrollo de la caja, el tablero, la hoja de normas y las 27 tarjetas de juego.
To that end, I was entrusted with the task of creating the image and the development of housing, board, rules sheet and 27 game cards.
Ha tenido tal éxito que el cliente, la Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Gijón, decidió adaptarlo a dimensiones de 3 x 4 metros, para que los niños, a modo de "fichas humanas" interactuasen de un modo más lúdico y divertido.
It has been so successful that my client, the Municipal Water Company of Gijón, decided to adapt it to the dimensions of 3 x 4 meters, for children, as a "human chips" interact in a more playful and fun way.