11 de abril de 2012

La colmena viajera / The travelling beehive

La colmena viajera es un cuento creado para niños, adultos y entomólogos, magníficamente escrito por los biólogos Elena García y Manuel Ángel Rosado... y la abeja Poli.

Concebido como uno de los pilares del Proyecto Apolo, se trata del primer libro ilustrado que aborda de lleno una temática tan compleja como la importancia de la apicultura para nuestro modo de vida actual. Una obra documentada de manera precisa, con vocación literaria, científica y didáctica, que se complementa con una guía docente para todos aquellos lectores, maestros, niños y adultos, que deseen leer entre líneas y ver entre imágenes.

The travelling beehive is a story created for children and entomologists, superbly written by biologists Elena García and Manuel Ángel Rosado... and Polli, the bee.

Conceived as one of the pillars of the Apolo Project, this is the first illustrated book that fully addresses a subject as complex as the importance of beekeeping for our current lifestyle. A work accurately documented with literary vocation, scientific and educational, which is complemented by a teaching guide for all those readers, teachers, children and adults who want to understand beyond the words and see through the illustrations.

La colmena viajera (30x21 cm, 48 pp, tapa dura con sobrecubierta) ha sido editada por el Jardín Botánico Atlántico, la Asociación Española de Entomología y el Centro Iberoamericano para la Biodiversidad, con la colaboración del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente a través de Fundación Biodiversidad, Adapas (Asociación para la Defensa de la Abeja del Principado de Asturias) y Fundación Caja Rural.

Tanto del libro como de la guía didáctica se ha realizado edición en lengua española e inglesa. Nacida como obra de divulgación, es de libre y completa consulta y descarga desde las siguientes páginas web y en diferentes formatos (todos los derechos de reproducción reservados a los titulares del copyright), además de su edición impresa:
http://apolo.entomologica.es (página principal del Proyecto Apolo)

The travelling beehive (30x21 cm, 48 pages, hardcover with jacket) has been edited by the Atlantic Botanic Garden, the Spanish Association of Entomology and the Iberoamerican Center for Biodiversity, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain (through Biodiversity Foundation), Adapas (Association for the Defense of the Bee in the Principality of Asturias) and Fundación Caja Rural.

Both the book and the tutorial has been edited in English and Spanish. This book is free for reading and downloading from the following web sites, in different file formats (all rights reserved), apart from the printed edition:
http://www.juanhernaz.com (english version)
http://apolo.entomologica.es (Apollo Project home page)

6 comentarios :

Anónimo dijo...

Que autentica maravilla! es espectacular, cada día te superas Juan, sin palabras nos has dejado!
Carmen Hernandez

HoneyBeez dijo...

What a beautiful book and scientifically accurate! It is pure joy for me, as a scientific writer and as a beekeeper. I await with anticipation the opportunity to purchase the book in English, as online reading is a bit difficult with the 2-page spread format.

juan hernaz dijo...

Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Carmen!

juan hernaz dijo...

Thank you so much, HoneyBeez! We have not news about the printed english version but, as soon as it become real, be sure I'll write about it in my blog, ok?

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Chris Inch dijo...

Thanks for creating such an excellent book and learning resource! I will spread the word about The Travelling Beehive.

juan hernaz dijo...

Thanks a lot, Chris! It's great to have help from people like you! Spreading the word about our book is the best help you can give us.

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